Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top Ten Fat-loss Tips -

Losing weight, or more specifically fat, is not really rocket science ? you just need to eat a little less and move a little more. There are certain ?rules? you should adhere to that will make the process as easy and effective as possible and if you stick to these 90% of the time, you should reach your desired body composition levels without too much drama. There really is no need to starve yourself, eat obscure or unpleasant foods or take buckets of supplements in your quest to get lean. That?s not to say these approaches don?t work ? they generally do, it?s just that for all the extra effort and cost, you?ll only see a marginal benefit to your fat loss.

So, without further ado, here are my top 10 fat loss tips!

  1. Consistency is king
    Eating a really healthy meal is great but if it?s one meal a day and the rest are packed with sugary junk, you won?t achieve anything. You need to eat well at virtually every meal, every day, seven days a week and for months on end. Don?t pick an extreme diet that you can?t stick to. Instead go for a more moderate approach that you will have no trouble maintaining for the foreseeable future.
  2. Go natural
    Natural and unprocessed foods should be your main staples. Food that comes in packets usually contains lots of additives and is basically unrecognisable as real food (what part of a chicken is a nugget anyway!) and should be avoided most of the time. If the food label reads more like a list of chemicals, leave it on the shelf and seek out more natural foods instead.
  3. Build each and every meal around protein, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats
    If you follow this formula, every meal you eat will be aligned to your goal of fat loss and health. For example, grilled chicken, roast mixed vegetables, wild rice and olive oil dressing. Alternatively, steamed salmon, large green salad, quinoa and homemade tartar sauce. Healthy eating really is that easy!
  4. Snack wisely
    There is nothing especially wrong with snacking. If you are hungry then you should eat. But, snacks should be protein based whenever possible as protein boosts your metabolism and doesn?t tend to contribute to fat storage. Nuts, lean cold meats, even cheese in moderation are good snack choices. Fruit is fine but generally best consumed just before or just after exercise ? more on that later in point number 6.
  5. Don?t drink your calories
    Calories in liquid form, e.g. soda, coffee drinks etc, don?t register in the hunger centres of your brain and subsequently you can drink a whole bunch of liquid calories and then eat lots as well, happily unaware just how much energy you have consumed. Stick to calorie-free and very low calorie beverages like water, coffee, all teas and more water. Leave the double mega frappachinos well alone!
  6. Time your carbohydrate consumption around your periods of activity
    Carbs often get a bum rap as being responsible for weight gain. While it is true, too many carbs can result in fat gain, especially if you are inactive, too few carbs can severely limit your training performance and recovery from your workouts. Rather than eliminate carbs from your diet entirely, I suggest you consume the majority of your carbs in the two hours before and after exercise. The closer you are to your workout, the higher the glycemic index can be so if you really want a plate of white rice, have it right after your training session. The more active you are, the more carbs you need. The less active or less lean you are, the less carbs you need. Simple!
  7. Don?t wait to be hungry
    Hunger is a message from your brain saying that blood glucose levels are low and you need to get out and hunt and gather soon. Needless to say, the modern equivalent of hunting and gathering usually means walking to the vending machine and buying a Mars bar. To avoid making bad food choices as a result of hunger, adhere to the tips above and don?t let yourself get hungry in the first place. And, definitely do not go grocery shopping when you are hungry ? you?ll end up buying nothing but fast-acting carbs and that will really undermine your fat loss quest!
  8. Take time to enjoy your food
    Sitting down and being aware of what you are eating can really prevent overconsumption. It?s all too easy to park your butt on the sofa, turn on the TV and eat, eat and eat some more without realising how much you have actually choked down. I call this the distraction effect. Instead of letting the distraction effect derail your fat-loss efforts, sit at a table and eat your meal like your parents probably insisted you did as a kid. That way, you won?t lose track of how much you have eaten. Also, if you do decide to eat in front of the TV, avoid domino foods. A domino food is a food that, once you eat one, you are bound to eat more. For me, that food is cookies ? one is never enough. As I can never stop at just one cookie, I tend not to eat them at all. Nuts, crisps, sweets, dried fruit and grapes are all good examples of domino foods where as apples are not!
  9. Don?t swap fat for sugar
    One of the biggest nutrition buzzwords ever is low fat. You can get low fat desserts, low fat cookies, low fat ice cream ? just about any food you shouldn?t really be eating comes in a low fat variety. The trouble is, low fat often means high sugar which is actually worse. Sugar spikes your blood glucose and therefore your insulin levels which will significantly hamper your fat burning efforts. Fat, on the other hand, has very little impact on your blood glucose. You don?t need to completely avoid dietary fats and you definitely don?t need to swap them for sugar! Eat natural fats in moderation and you?ll actually be more able to burn fat. It takes fat to burn fat ? crazy but true!
  10. Give yourself a break!
    100% dietary compliance might sound ideal but the reality is it?s unlikely. Accept this from the very outset of your new eating regime and actually allow yourself about 10% ?wiggle room? per week where it?s okay to relax your strict pattern of eating. Depending on how many times you eat per day/per week, this means you can have between two and four treats per week without worrying too much about derailing your fat-loss endeavours. This?doesn?t?mean you go nuts and eat a pint of ice cream all by yourself a couple of times a week. No, instead, if you want a slice of pizza with your salad instead of a chicken breast or fancy a small bar of chocolate instead of an apple, it?s okay to do so. But not too often!

So there you go ? 10 easy tips you can start implementing right now to help you lose fat, firm up and get healthy. If any diet that you are contemplating is much more complicated than that, I really think you should give it a wide birth and move onto something simpler. Losing fat really just a matter of thermodynamics ? eat a little less, exercise a little more and burn fat as a result. The trouble is, I can?t make a million out of writing a book like that!






Tags: all about fat loss, brilliant fat loss tips, how to lose weight


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