As the sun (metaphorically ? this is Seattle we're talking about) sets on my time in the Pacific Northwest and I prepare to relocate back to the Bay Area for what I hope to be at least a couple of years, I'm filled with mixed emotions. Hipster-mocking and -baiting has been one of my favorite pastimes in Seattle, which is both ironic and hypocritical of me when you take T & L's definition of "hipster" into consideration:
So let me get this straight: I'm a hipster because I care about the environment, and I write about food, thus I eat and drink in places that are too idiosyncratic for mere mortals. And jeez, I just edited a craft beer guide. And I really support my local indie businesses. Conversely, I know jack about tech, and you will never, ever see me in a pair of bowling shoes. I also want to bitch-slap the bejesus out of smirky, pretentious funksters who feel the need to categorize themselves in order to maintain a sense of self. Cliques are for high school, kids."They sport vintage bowling shoes and the latest tech gear-but they also know all the best places to eat and drink. [The magazine] ranked 35 metropolitan areas on culturally relevant features like live music, coffee bars, and independent boutiques. To zero in on the biggest hipster crowds, we also factored in the results for the best microbrews and the most offbeat and tech-savvy locals.
It's our take on the debated term hipster....whatever your take, you generally know hipsters when you see them-most likely in funky, up-and-coming neighborhoods. A smirking attitude toward mainstream institutions means they tend to frequent cool, often idiosyncratic restaurants, shops, and bars-the same kinds of venues that appeal to travelers looking for what they can't find at home. There's also an eco-conscious influence in contemporary hipsterdom."
[Image via Flicker user Conor Keller]
What I find interesting, however, is that part of my mixed feelings about leaving Seattle have to do with its very hipsterness. I love street fashion, vintage, indie anything, tattoos and food artisans (hipster alert!). People watching has been one of my favorite activities in Seattle, because most Seattlites have such great style. It's a city where the alternative-minded can grow old semi-gracefully, without looking like roadkill from Gen X or beyond. In Seattle, no one gives a f--- about what you look like, or what you're into. You can just be.
It's sheer coincidence that last week, while reacquainting myself with Berkeley (where I lived for nearly a decade), I wondered why it is the natives here have no style (in my hipster eye view, pilled fleeces, flowy hemp clothing and ergonomic shoes are terminally unhip). I already missed Seattle's eclectic street style, which never fails to inspire, amuse, and yes, sometimes horrify me (Boys, please stop with the neon, nuthugger skinny ankle jeans. Just sayin').
Is this essentially a very shallow essay on an incredibly superficial topic? Yes, absolutely. But if it is a "tipping point" as T & L claims, then hell, I'm game. I'm ultimately leaving Seattle ? an amazing, beautiful, vibrant city ? because the climate kicked my ass (see my forthcoming post on "Sleeping In Seattle: SAD And Its Side Effects"). I'm back in the Bay Area because the economy is simmering and for someone in the food business, this is Ground Zero.
You can't have it all, and the grass is always greener. Those cliches aren't very hip, but they're true. I miss all the hipsterness that once surrounded me, but I also love seeing sun, citrus trees and the Bay Area's unbeatable food scene again. And that, in a nutshell, is why I'm trading down to a place a little less hip. I can always visit Seattle when I'm feeling frumpy.
[Image via Flickr user Andrew . Walsh]
Filed under: Arts and Culture, Business, Food and Drink, North America, United States, Budget Travel, Nightlife, Consumer Activism
issue 2 ohio issue 2 ohio election results 2011 election results 2011 board of elections board of elections senate bill 5
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